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Top Reasons to Hire a Marketing Consultant

Amber Murphy

We all know marketing is a necessity in any business: it creates awareness, engages consumers, and contributes to the overall success and growth of an organization. Many businesses choose to handle their marketing in-house by adding it to the administrative staff’s tasks. Other companies hire entry-level marketing associates or elect to hire a team of marketing professionals that comes with a heavy price tag including annual salaries, benefits, office space, and more. What is right for each business can vary. No matter which path your organization takes, making sure you have the right people handling your marketing is vital to your company’s success. Let’s look at the reasons why hiring a marketing consultant can be a great choice for any organization and the benefits this option brings to the table.

What is a Marketing Consultant?

Marketing consultants help companies understand their customers. They provide the expertise needed to develop a strong marketing strategy by nailing down the target audience, developing the messaging, and guiding how the brand is received within their market. Marketing consultants can also provide guidance on how to effectively communicate with consumers. The right marketing consultants act as a vital part of the team and can work alongside company leadership or existing in-house marketing staff.

What are the benefits of working with a marketing consultant?

Hiring a marketing consultant can benefit your organization in multiple ways. If you are looking for marketing advice, need to create a new marketing strategy, or revamp an existing strategy, marketing consultants have the knowledge and expertise to help you gain the results your organization is seeking.

Offer a new perspective: Marketing consultants bring a fresh new perspective to an organization’s marketing. They are looking at your product or service for the first time and may see some things that are easily overlooked by existing staff that have been consumed by the business for years.

Specialized Experience & Knowledge: Marketing consultants are a wealth of knowledge and experience. Marketing trends are constantly changing, and they know what works! By engaging with businesses of various types, sizes, and geographical areas, your consultants have seen and experienced a wider approach to marketing, tools, and strategies!

Flexible & Cost Savings: Marketing consultants can save your company money! By eliminating the need for full-time marketing staff and salaries, you can hire experts and pay for only the time or project that requires assistance. (They can jump in, be part of the team, and then exit when you don’t need them. Plus, there is no overhead for office space, employee benefits, or employment taxes.) If you just need short-term marketing help or long-term marketing assistance, you have the flexibility to hire a marketing consultant on an hourly fee basis, per project, or on a monthly retainer.

Self-Managed: Marketing consultants are passionate about seeing your business succeed! They are not concerned with the politics of the day-to-day business routines. Their only concern is to provide your organization with marketing support to grow and reach your goals. Another perk to hiring a marketing consultant is you free up more of your own time; by eliminating the time spent by senior-level staff, owners, and internal staff, your team can focus on what they do best. You can also eliminate supervisory time, employee training, and performance reviews when hiring a marketing consultant.

How to utilize a marketing consultant?

Marketing consultants can be hired short-term, long-term, or somewhere in between

  • Hiring a marketing consultant short-term works well when your staff may be short-handed. A marketing consultant can easily jump in to fill the gaps, whether it be to help with a marketing campaign or design marketing material, or provide website edits.

  • Marketing Consultants can be brought on long-term to provide continued strategic business planning advice. They will be available to maintain focus and help drive the company towards your goals and hold your team accountable.

  • For in-between or medium-term needs, marketing consultants can help provide consistency through efficient planning. Consultants will be able to learn more about your organization, which will help them develop a strong marketing strategy.

As you can see, choosing to work with a marketing consultant can bring many benefits to your organization. If you are looking for a fresh perspective, expert-level marketing guidance, and a flexible, time and money-saving way to accomplish high-level marketing, reach out to 30|90 Marketing. Our team is ready to work with you to develop or revitalize your marketing strategy or assist with your next marketing project.


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